Archive for February, 2010

Where Darwinism went wrong | an explanation in Islam – Part 9

So much about the first ground of the conflict between religion and science as previously stated.

Now moving to the second ground of the conflict, that is the denial of God.

Here, Islam, along with other monotheistic religions,  is totally against the Darwinism.

The whole deliberation on “evolution” attempts to answer the question “how the universe came into being?” but it does not touch on the bigger question: “by whom was the universe created?”.

This is while, Darwin and his followers said that as they could explain the sequence of the creation and its working method, so it was automatically proved that there was no God. It was is just like saying “as I can explain the working of an automobile and can guess the sequence of its manufacturing, so it is automatically proved that there is no manufacturer for such car”

It may seem absurd as shown, however, the more we read about their denial of God the more we are reminded of this fallacy in their arguments.

It has been already mentioned in previous articles that “thing cannot come of nothing”. Therefore, according to the atheists, it is wrong to say that God created the universe out of nothing. There must be a source for everything. So we are led to believe that Matter is eternal; and everything is a development of such eternal matter.

This line of argument goes straight until it reaches the stage where begins the phenomenon called “Life”.

Nobody has ever succeeded in solving the mysteries of life. Nobody knows where the life came from. Having rejected the belief in God, the atheists are compelled to say that:

“we do not know; but life must have come from Matter”

Now, Matter is lifeless. If “thing” cannot come from “nothing”, then how can “life” come from “lifeless”

Moreover, as the atheists claim, there must be a source for everything and matter is surely a “thing”; what then was the source of “matter”?

Such phenomena of our universe cannot be explained without stopping at a certain point and believing that the universe began from it. The atheists claim that matter is that beginning point, however, matter is lifeless and senseless. So, the existence of life cannot be explained by this theory. The existence of sense and wisdom in animals and human beings cannot be explained by it.

In the main, if we are to have a satisfactory theory for the existence of the universe as a whole, we have to accept that there is an Eternal Being who is the source of all existence, the source of life and the source of wisdom.

That being is God.

How can ye reject the faith in Allah (God) – seeing that ye were without life, and He gave you life; then will He cause you to die, and will again bring you to life; and again to Him will ye return. (Quran 2:28)


Islam’s answer to Darwinism | 6 days of creation in Islam – Part 8

When Darwin first published his treatise Origin of Species in 1859, he stirred a thunderous opposition from religious groups. The religious opposition was based, mainly, upon two factors:

1. Darwin asserted – with convincing proofs – that the universe was not made in six days, as described in the Bible, but in a very long time with so many stages between the first state and the present form; (more…)

Prophet Muhammad explains God | Theism vs. Atheism in Islam – Part 7

Here is the translation of the discussion of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) with a few atheists, a part of which has been mentioned in an earlier article.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) asked them: “what is the reason of your belief that the universe has neither beginning nor an end and that it is from ever and will remain for ever?” (more…)

Why matter is not the source of life | Islam’s simple explanation – Part 6

Now, we come to the last three qualities mentioned in article “Essential qualities of eternal being” (part 2).

We have already accepted the atheistic notion that nothing comes out of nothing. So as mentioned before, there seems to be common ground between the atheistic and theistic views: that the universe is an infinitely intelligent design and pattern which exhibits the most perfect coordination in its over all system. (more…)

Fall of atheistic and Evolution theories on universe in Islam – Part 5

Now, it should be mentioned here that there are two hypotheses, that is, tentative theories, in science about the creation of or beginning of the universe (Universe: All created or existing things).
